
Friday, January 25, 2019

Morality as Anti-Nature

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher known for his radical critics of the classical philosophic thought and righteousity. Nietzsche rejected social laws, holiness and religion. Nietzsches views on religions and goods acquire the best realization in his later works. In beyond Good and Evil he explores the ethical mechanisms, which regulate people appearance and their origins. He did not believe that nature was examplely neutral. He grand two sheaths of ethics herd morality and master morality. Herd morality he attributed to Christianity. Nietzsche criticized both this type of morality and religion, based on the reason of slaves. He correlated the appearance of the terms good and severeness to the terms of Roman Empire when every issue connected with warriors and cruelty.Such moral system gave hebdomad and suppressed a kind of compensation in their miserable office and gave them mechanisms to control secure and successful members of the purchase commit. Nietzsche states that generations of people live direct by the ethical judgments created by the generation of slaves. He believes that using such moral principles we completely distance ourselves from true liberation and fortify the continuousness of the slaves. The type of morality described above reflects herd morality, which dominates in the society for centuries.An opposite type of morality, which is contrasted to herd morality, is c on the wholeed master morality. According to Nietzsche this morality is down-to-earth and reflects the real destination of all human creatures. Master morality asserts the tycoon of successful and strong individuals, who have the right to rule the world. Nietzsche denied the morality of the nature, affair it morally neutral. There ar no moral phenomena there be only moral interpretations. olibanum, master morality speaks of good and bad or else than Good and Evil (Nietzsche, 87). He saw master morality as the counseling to overcome l imitations, created by the moral judgments of slave morality. Master morality for Nietzsche becomes the way to realize the potential to go away-to-power. Denying religions nurtures, Nietzsche did not recognize rich literary prophesy of world ghostlike. He did not see any value in religious texts and sermons.The Sermon of the Mount is an essence of all Christian teaching. It contains instructions of Jesus Christ to his Disciples. These instructions teach people pity and patience. Speaking about after purport, Jesus underlines that all needy will get everything they deserve after death. In his sermon, Jesus underlines the importance of seeking for the righteousness, he states Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled (Matthew 56). Principles of non-violence and obedience to the will of beau ideal are close to the ideas expressed by the majority of world religions. Jesus Christ stresses on the unconditional everyday love, which he defined as a main moral principle.The disco biscuit Commandments given to Moses on the Mount of Sinai contain the very principle ideas of Christian teaching. According to the Bible God gave these Ten Commandments to Moses in order to forefront his will to all people. These Commandments became world(a) guidelines for all religious people. They express norms of moral behavior for all people. If we study them in greater detail we will see that these Commandments are universal and can be applied for all people regardless of their race and religion. For many centuries the Ten Commandments have been the nates for moral system of Western Civilization. It is difficult to doubt such universal truths, asHonour thy father and mother gramme shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal (Exodus 202-17).It is had to create mentally a person, who would disagree these Commandments. The Ten Commandments are designed in order to regulate not only relations between God and manho od. They similarly contain guidelines for person to person interactions and social behavior.Night Journey or Al-Isra wa Al-Miraj of 24th Rajab 619 CE is a paper from Quran, which describes the journey of the prophesier Mohammed to Jerusalem and his meeting with God. This story describes Prophets journey through seven heavens and his conversation with God. On his way Mohammed meets a toilet of characters from religious texts. After his conversation with God he gets the message that it is incumbent to pray God five times a day.Often people, who contemplate this story understand it literary and see it only as a message about the necessity to pray. In reality the message of this story is much deeper as it speaks about such important themes as corporate trust in God, individual responsibility, right faith, avoiding evil and sacredness of life. This passage from Quran raises the questions of human license and responsibility. Mohammad passes not only the message about the necessit y to pray God. He similarly speaks that each person should be responsible for his actions.Nietzsches limited review of religion has an aesthetic nature. He also denies ethical motive. For Nietzsche religion is only an atrocious form, lightsome people use as compensation for their weakness. The cult of weak and miserable was established for centuries and it included the denial of everything beautiful, healthy, strong and powerful, including human body. Nietzsche states that Christianity, which scorn the body, has been the greatest misfortune of humanity so far (Nietzsche, 119). For him religion along with morality serves only for the justification for weak and powerless, who have no other means to express their right for living. Calling for revolt and setting up the morality of master Nietzsche deprives week of their right to live and realize themselves.God is dead is a phrase from his writing which reflects his radical attitude to religion and ethics. Nietzsche stated that reli gion, philosophy and what is most important humanity were killed by the conventionalistic values of society. The way of life and social organization have rails to the destruction and depreciation of moral values and basic human qualities. As he states Morality, as it has so far been under stood, it has in the shutdown been formulated once more by Schopenhauer, as negation of the will to life is the very instinct of decadence, which makes an imperative of itself. It says Perish It is a condemnation enunciate by the condemned (Nietzsche, 154).Nietzsche wanted to create a generation on red-hot human beings supermen or Overman free from the false morality. Our moral judgments and evaluationsare only images and fantasies based on a physiological process unknown to us he states to prove the relativity of the moral norms and principles. Nietzsche believed that the societys traditional way of thinking and morals were life-denying and destructive. Traditional morals gave a strain to slave morality which suppresses all impulses to creatively and free will of the humans and makes them to adopt a herd mentality. It makes people believe that thing which is good for the majority is good for everyone. That is the reason people indue themselves into the harsh limitations and boundaries of the predefined good and evil.Slave morality encourages conformity national, racial, gender, and religious bigotry and lumpish patriotism (Soccio, 114). The world was defined by Nietzsche to be dead. He put all the burden of responsibility for this on the traditional Christian morals accepted by the vast majority of the western world. According to Nietzsche, traditional moral values, such as self-sacrifices, humanity, love, compassion have killed everything natural. The only way out Nietzsche saw in crossing the line, getting out of the moral limitations and restrictions of good and evil and following only the will to power. That would property the humans on the other, higher plane of existence.Nietzsche is an influential philosopher, famous for his critics of Christian morality. His critics of all religious doctrines is a brave attempt to overcome religious dogmatism and domination. Despite his teachings contain a lot of innovative ideas and strong arguments I think that rejecting Christian morals and religious moral in general he rejects not only bad things, but also rich prophesy created through the centuries. Nietzsche regards religion as a starting time of suppression of human will. He counts on conscious individuals, who are directed by inner moral, which regulates all their thoughts and actions. Unfortunately, modern society consists of different people, who are not always driven by higher moral standards. In this case religion, social norms and regulations become those defensive mechanisms, which help to avoid bad consequences. Rejecting their norms and regulations can bring harm to the society and human race in general.Works CitedNietzsche, Fri edrich On the Genealogy of ethical motive. trans. Walter Kaufmann and R.J. Hollingdale, in On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo. New York Random House, 1967.Nietzsche, Friedrich Beyond Good and Evil. trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York Random House, 1966.Nietzsche, Friedrich, Thus Spake Zarathustra, tr. Thomas Common, London George Allen and Unwin, 1999. Nietzsche, Friedrich Beyond Good and Evil Prelude to a philosophy of the future, tr. R.J. Hollingdale, Harmondsworth, Middlesex Penguin Books, 1973.Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ or How to Philosophize with a Hammer, Penguin Classics, 1990.Soccio, Douglas J. Archetypes of Wisdom An entranceway to Philosophy, Belmont, CA Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2004.

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